
1. How To Fish Big In The Cryptocurrency Ocean: A Beginner Guide

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I probably remember the first time I heard about cryptocurrency. Maybe it was Bitcoin making headlines, or friends discussing the newest altcoin on the block.

It’s a whole universe out there, a vast ocean of digital assets waiting to be explored. In this introductory section, I want to lay out what this journey involves and why navigating it with care is so crucial.

Cryptocurrency isn’t just an emerging form of payment; it’s a financial movement underpinned by blockchain technology. Here, the transactions you’ll make are distributed across a global ledger, transparent yet secure, an entirely new way of understanding money.

Before you jump in, you should understand some basics. There’s Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, and then there are altcoins, which are any cryptocurrencies that aren’t Bitcoin.

They all trade on various platforms and carry a degree of volatility and risk that you’ll want to be aware of.

It’s an exciting world, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t highlight the importance of trading securely and knowledgeably. You don’t want to just float along but to navigate these waters with intention.

So, I’ll start in the next section by introducing you to your very first vessel in this adventure: Coinbase.

1. Setting Sail with Coinbase: A Beginner’s Guide

I remember when I first dipped my toes into the cryptocurrency ocean. The platforms seemed daunting, but one stood out as a beacon for newcomers: Coinbase.

Let me walk you through its beginner-friendly shores.

To start, visit and follow their sign-up process. You’ll need some basic information: an email address, a secure password, and personal identification for verification purposes.

Once your account is set up, the interface welcomes you with a dashboard displaying current prices, your portfolio value, and easy navigation to buy or sell digital currency.

Buying your first cryptocurrency can feel like a milestone. On Coinbase, it’s straightforward. You link a payment method, like a bank account or a debit card, and follow the steps to purchase Bitcoin, Ethereum, or dozens of other currencies.

Remember, starting with a small amount is wise as you learn the ropes.

2. Diving Deeper with Coinbase Wallet

The Coinbase platform is your gateway to buying and selling digital currencies, but for the savvy user, it’s just the beginning. The Coinbase Wallet is an essential tool for anyone looking to take full control of their crypto journey. Let’s explore what makes it stand out.


Coinbase Wallet is an app that acts very differently from your Coinbase account, offering you a private space to store your digital assets. Unlike the main Coinbase platform, the wallet gives you full custody of your cryptocurrency, meaning you’re in complete control of your private keys. This translates to more security and autonomy.

Setting up your Coinbase Wallet is straightforward. Download the app, jot down your recovery phrase, and keep it in a secure location. This recovery phrase is the master key to your wallet and funds; lose it, and you’re out of luck. It’s important to handle this with the utmost care.

Transferring cryptocurrency to your Coinbase Wallet from your Coinbase account or any other wallets is uncomplicated. In the app, simply find your ‘Receive’ address, copy it, and use it to transfer funds.

This process takes just a few taps and swipes but opens up a world of decentralized apps and services beyond simple trading.

Your wallet is more than just a safe. You can also interact with decentralized finance (DeFi) applications directly through it, opening doors to earning interest on your holdings, borrowing, lending, and more.

However, with more control comes more responsibility. Make sure you understand the risks associated with DeFi before diving in.

3. Learning to Earn: Coinbase’s Educational Rewards


I bet you didn’t see this one coming: you can actually earn cryptocurrency while learning about it. This is no mythical treasure; it’s a real offering from Coinbase. They’ve put together a program aptly named ‘Coinbase Earn.’

Here’s the deal with Coinbase Earn: by watching educational videos and completing quizzes on the platform, you can get rewarded with various cryptocurrencies.

To participate, you’ll need to sign up for Coinbase Earn. Sometimes there’s a waiting list, but patience pays—literally. Once you’re in, the process is straightforward. You pick a course, learn about a crypto concept or a specific cryptocurrency, and then take a short quiz.

The types of rewards you can expect vary. Typically, they’re in the form of the cryptocurrency you’ve been learning about.

As you accumulate these rewards, you can keep track of them directly in your Coinbase account. Earnings can be used to invest more, saved, or converted to other cryptocurrencies or fiat currency.

Ready to start earning? GREAT, because your journey doesn’t end here.

In the next section, I’ll guide you through‘s platform, where the earning potential continues to unfold. You’ll get to know their unique features, the benefits of their Visa card, and how you can further enrich your crypto portfolio through their services.

4. Navigating’s Waters: More Than Just an Exchange for Cryptocurrency

You may have heard of as a place to trade digital currencies. But it offers a treasure trove of features beyond simple trading.

In this section, I’ll unveil the additional perks that come with using’s platform and the potential opportunities to earn. extends its services with a Visa card, a desirable option for many users. Not only does it facilitate spending your crypto earnings, but it also offers rewards.


Depending on your card tier, you can receive cashback on purchases, paid in CRO,’s native currency.

Besides the practicality of a Visa card, engages users with its decentralized finance (DeFi) features. The platform provides a suite of DeFi services, allowing for a more personalized and potentially more profitable crypto experience.

Users can engage with various DeFi projects, pooling their assets or even participating in governance through voting rights.

Another standout aspect is the Earn section of By staking or depositing select cryptocurrencies, you can earn interest over time.

Think of it as a high-tech savings account. The percentage yield varies by currency, your holding period, and whether you choose a fixed or flexible term.

It’s an attractive way to grow your portfolio without active trading.

5. Storing Treasures in the DeFi Wallet

A truly decentralized finance (DeFi) experience offers an empowering sense of control over your investments. The DeFi Wallet is your personal gateway to this world.

When you download and set up this wallet, you hold the keys, literally. Your private keys stay with you, ensuring that you—and only you—have access to your funds.

Now, let’s get practical. To begin with, you’ll need to install the DeFi Wallet app. Yes, it’s distinct from the app, designed to give you a secure place to store your digital assets away from the prying eyes of hackers and centralized systems.

Next, it’s a simple process to transfer your assets from the exchange or any other platform to your DeFi Wallet.

Earning through a DeFi setup doesn’t have to be complicated. The wallet allows you to interact directly with DeFi protocols to stake, lend, or even farm yields.

Staking is like earning interest: lock up certain cryptocurrencies and get rewards in return. Lending puts your crypto to work, loaning it out to others and earning interest in the process.

Yield farming is a more advanced strategy, typically involving liquidity providers and earning tokens as a reward.

Now, once you’ve set up your treasure chest in the DeFi wallet and started to engage with these earning methods, you might wonder, ‘What’s next? How do I keep building?’

That leads us right into the realm of savvy digital finance management, which is precisely where Revolut comes in.

6. Casting the Net with Revolut: A Financial Super App

Revolut has made quite a splash, bringing together the convenience of traditional banking and the innovative world of cryptocurrency under one application.

This service allows you to exchange, hold, and transfer various cryptocurrencies, mirroring the functionalities of a bank with the added benefits of the digital currency ecosystem.

You may not initially think of a banking app when considering cryptocurrency platforms, but Revolut aims to change that perception.

By integrating digital currencies alongside traditional banking features, users can manage both fiat and cryptocurrencies seamlessly.

Moreover, Revolut’s cryptocurrency service comes with its own set of perks. You can instantly exchange a range of currencies, from dollars to Bitcoin, without needing to navigate complex crypto exchanges.

The interface is user-friendly, appealing to both beginners and experienced traders.

One standout feature to highlight is Revolut’s approach to rewards. When using the cryptocurrency features of the app, you can potentially earn cashback in the form of cryptocurrency.

This can be especially attractive during promotions that offer higher cashback rates or bonuses for trading certain volumes.

In terms of Revolut’s service model, it’s worth noting that you don’t own the private keys to the cryptocurrencies you hold in the app, which means Revolut maintains control over your digital assets.

This is a trade-off you should weigh concerning convenience versus control when using the platform.

Nevertheless, Revolut presents an enticing pathway for those accustomed to traditional banking to dip their toes into the cryptocurrency pool without diving into the deep end.

It serves as a bridge for everyday users to get a taste of what it’s like to operate within the crypto space while still enjoying the comforts of a familiar banking environment.

7. Exploring Other Vessels: Additional Platforms to Earn Cryptocurrency


The cryptocurrency ecosystem brims with opportunities beyond what we’ve discussed. In our quest for financial growth, it’s wise to survey other notable platforms that reward users for engaging with their services.

I’ll shine a light on a few select exchanges with unique features that cater to both newcomers and seasoned sailors of the crypto seas.

Binance stands tall as a giant in the field with its comprehensive suite of tools and services. It offers Binance Earn, where users can stake or save their digital assets to gain interest over time.

The platform also incentivizes users with airdrops and launches pools, piquing the interest of many crypto enthusiasts.

Kraken doesn’t only offer a robust trading system but also provides staking options. Staking on Kraken can be a source of passive income, earning you rewards on your holdings without the need for complex strategies or constant monitoring.

Let’s not overlook platforms like eToro, which provides a CopyTrader feature. This allows you to mimic the trades of experienced investors, offering a unique blend of learning and earning. eToro gives users the ability to earn through staking as well.

Each platform has its set of strengths, weaknesses, and earning methods. It’s crucial to perform your own due diligence, considering factors like security protocols, transaction fees, and user experience before diving in.

As you acclimate to the various platforms and grow your digital treasure, remember to never stretch yourself too thin.

Spreading your investments across different opportunities might mitigate risk, but it can also diliterate your focus and management capability.

8. Preserving Your Bounty: Final Security and Management Tips

I’m compelled to emphasize the significance of security and prudent management in your cryptocurrency endeavors. It’s paramount to recognize that while the potential for reward is tantalizing, the digital seas are fraught with risks.

  • 1. Employ robust security practices such as using hardware wallets for significant holdings, enabling two-factor authentication, and remaining vigilant against phishing attacks.
  • 2. Regularly update your software and backup your wallet’s recovery phrases in a secure location.
  • 3. Diversification cannot be overstated. Don’t place all your digital eggs in one basket; spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies and platforms to mitigate risk.
  • 4. Utilize portfolio management tools to stay abreast of your investments’ performance. These tools offer insights that can guide your decision-making processes, informing you when to hold, sell, or diversify further.
  • 5. Keeping informed is indispensable. The cryptocurrency market evolves rapidly, and staying current with the latest trends, news, and regulatory changes can empower you to make informed decisions.
  • 6. Subscribe to reliable news outlets, join communities, and participate in forums.

In summary, take a measured approach to your crypto journey. Exercise caution, educate yourself, and use trusted platforms.

Remember, it’s not just about the potential to earn but also about the ability to preserve and grow your digital wealth responsibly.

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Author Profile

Leonard Irimia
Leonard Irimia
Hi, I’m Leonard, the founder of HapnGo "What Happens & What Goes". I am a visionary entrepreneur with multilingual fluency. I have a degree in accounting and marketing with proficient digital technology competencies. I am passionate about creating compelling content that resonates with diverse audiences.

My mission is to provide value to you and the rest of the world.

Let's create a better world together!


  1. Your article serves as an invaluable compass for beginners embarking on their crypto journey. The way you have seamlessly woven together crucial aspects of cryptocurrency investment, such as understanding the basics of Bitcoin and altcoins, and the significance of platform like Coinbase is commendable.

    The section focusing on Coinbase, particularly the walkthrough of the signup process and the emphasis on security through two-factor authentication, is incredibly informative for newcomers. It simplifies the often daunting task of taking the first steps in cryptocurrency investment. Additionally, your exploration of the Coinbase Wallet highlights the importance of having control over one’s digital assets, an aspect often overlooked by novice investors. This detailed exposition not only educates but also instills confidence in readers new to the crypto world.

    Moving on to Crypto your elucidation of its diverse services, including its Visa card and DeFi features, provides a broader perspective on the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The explanation of different earning opportunities through staking and interest-bearing accounts on Crypto. is particularly insightful. It demonstrates the multifaceted nature of cryptocurrency investments beyond mere trading. Your balanced approach in discussing the pros and cons of these platforms, coupled with final tips on security and management, presents a holistic view, encouraging readers to embark on their crypto journey with knowledge and caution.

    • Hi Catherine Ford! I hope you are doing well!

      Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed comment. I’m thrilled to hear that you found the article helpful and informative.

      I’m glad you highlighted the importance of understanding the diverse services and earning opportunities in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. It’s indeed crucial to look beyond trading and explore other facets of cryptocurrency investments.

      Once again, thank you for your insightful comment. It’s feedback like yours that motivates me to continue providing valuable content. 

      If you have any more questions or topics you’d like to see covered in future posts, feel free to share.

      Best wishes,


  2. Leonard, your comprehensive guide on navigating the cryptocurrency world is a treasure for beginners! I appreciate how you’ve structured it, starting with the basics at Coinbase and gradually diving into more complex platforms like Crypto dot com and Revolut. Your emphasis on security, especially the importance of two-factor authentication and understanding private keys, is crucial and well-placed.

    The section on earning through learning with Coinbase Earn is particularly intriguing. It’s a smart way to encourage users to deepen their understanding while getting a taste of the rewards. Also, highlighting the different functionalities of platforms like Binance and Kraken provides a clear view of the diverse opportunities in this space.

    One suggestion: it might be helpful to include a section on the potential tax implications of crypto trading and earning, as this is often an overlooked aspect for beginners.

    Overall, great work in demystifying cryptocurrency for newcomers!

    • Hi bCloud09c! I hope you are doing well!

      Thank you for your thoughtful feedback! I’m glad to hear that you found the guide comprehensive and helpful. Your point about the diverse opportunities in the cryptocurrency world is well-taken.

      The suggestion about including a section on the potential tax implications of crypto trading and earning is excellent. It’s indeed an important aspect that beginners often overlook. I’ll consider adding this in future updates.

      Again, thank you for your kind words and valuable suggestions! 

      Stay tuned for more updates, and feel free to share any other thoughts or questions.

      Best wishes,


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