
“BE USEFUL” Arnold Schwarzenegger’s latest book in 2023 | SEVEN TOOLS FOR LIFE”

Arnold Schwarzenegger: A remarkable journey from his early years to the book premiere

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Hollywood icon, former bodybuilder and ex-governor of California, has had a fascinating life journey.

With this article we celebrate the premiere of his new book released on October 10 in 2023 “BE USEFUL | SEVEN TOOLS FOR LIFE”.

A testament to his remarkable life and enduring wisdom for inspiring

Early Years

Arnold was born in 1947 in Thal, Austria. His early years were marked by a great passion for bodybuilding.

By the age of 20 he becomed the youngest person ever to win the Mr. Universe.

Against all odds, we may find in his book, he pursued his dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder. He moved to the United States in the late 1960s.

He soon became a dominant force in the world of bodybuilding, winning the title of Mr. Olympia several times.

Hollywood Stardom

Schwarzenegger moved to Hollywood, where he made a name for himself as an action movie superstar.

Iconic roles in films like “The Terminator,” “Predator” and “Total Recall” made him a household name from the 80s into the third millennium.

His charisma, strong physique and catchy catchphrases made him popular with viewers worldwide.

Political Career

In an unexpected turn, Arnold ventured into politics and served as governor of California from 2003 to 2011.

His tenure was marked by initiatives on environmental issues. Nation-leading Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, infrastructure development and public policy reforms.

He proved that a non-traditional politician could lead a great state.

Author and Philanthropist

Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t only an actor and politician, he’s also an author and philanthropist. His last book, “Total Recall: My Incredible True Life Story,” gave readers insight into his extraordinary journey.

His philanthropic journey is truly extraordinary, surpassing all expectations. He stands out as an exceptional supporter of numerous charities.

During his tenure as the Governor of California, he made the remarkable decision to forgo his salary. He choose instead to donate it to charitable organizations. He is a dedicated participant in several charities, including the Alliance to Stop Slavery and End Trafficking, among others.


Yesterday marks the premiere of Arnold’s latest book, “BE USEFUL”. This book, which is deeply personal and insightful, offers readers seven tools to achieve success and meaning in life.

Schwarzenegger summarizes the lessons he has learned throughout his life. A comprehensible and actionable guide for anyone who wants to make a difference.

He has shown his commitment to his fans by promising to personally sign tens of thousands of copies of the book. This is a testament to his dedication and desire to share his knowledge with the world.

By cs:User:DaBler - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
By cs: User: DaBler – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s journey from a small town in Austria to a global superstar and political leader is a story of determination, resilience and reinvention.

“Be Useful” promises to inspire and motivate readers to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

The book can be ordered on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s official site.

As we celebrate the book’s premiere, we applaud Arnold Schwarzenegger for his incredible life journey. His ongoing commitment to sharing valuable life lessons with the world.

We must be truly proud to live in this world with such a great man.

An iconic movie character, bodybuilder and governor of California. Let’s celebrate the different ways Arnold touches our lives and continues to inspire us.

We invite you to join the discussion and share your opinions and thoughts about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new book “BE USEFUL” in the comments below.

We can create a better world together!

All the best,


Author Profile

Leonard Irimia
Leonard Irimia
Hi, I’m Leonard, the founder of HapnGo "What Happens & What Goes". I am a visionary entrepreneur with multilingual fluency. I have a degree in accounting and marketing with proficient digital technology competencies. I am passionate about creating compelling content that resonates with diverse audiences.

My mission is to provide value to you and the rest of the world.

Let's create a better world together!


  1. Hi, I think that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s life journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring, from bodybuilding glory to Hollywood stardom and political leadership. The premiere of his latest book, is a testament to his enduring wisdom and commitment to inspiring others

    Aside from his remarkable achievements, it’s evident that Schwarzenegger continues to shape our lives through his diverse contributions, leaving an indelible mark on the world. What a cool guy. And a good role model. Have a good one. 

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