
The Affiliate Disclosure Page

Introduction To Our Affiliate Disclosure

HapnGo | What Happens& What Goes

Hello again!

It’s Leonard from HapnGo – What Happens& What Goes. As you know, we’re all about bringing you the latest events, trends, and products from around the world.

Sometimes, we use affiliate links in our posts and that’s why you may find this affiliate disclosure page.

An Origin Story

Sharing the foundation of HapnGo

I started HapnGo out of a passion for exploring our dynamic world. As part of this journey, I’ve come across products and services that I genuinely enjoy and believe in.

The personal passion that fuels product recommendations

When we share these products or services with you through affiliate links, it’s because we know they might bring you the same joy and utility they’ve brought me.


How affiliate links serve as a bridge between the company and its followers

When you purchase through an affiliate link, I earn a small commission which is subject to taxes. In compliance with the FTC guidelines, please assume the following about links and posts on this site.

I want to assure you that this does not affect the price you pay for any products or services.

In fact, in most cases, you will have the best prices or, in the worst case, the same price you may find out there after time spent.

We look forward to our links providing you with the best prices, discounts, and special offers.

In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission released its new rules for Disclosure Compliance.

These rules are set in place to ensure that readers or viewers of web media (blogs, YouTube videos, etc.) know if the blogger/presenter is sponsored, endorsed, or partnered with a different company.

The Goal

Providing Valuable Content

As my primary goal is to provide valuable content through sharing my passion, I only recommend products or services that align with this goal.

When you use our affiliate links, you help support HapnGo, and I genuinely appreciate your support.

The main goal is to improve HapnGo and provide you with even better content.

Our focus is to bring you stories, trends, and products from all parts of the world to promote understanding of our interconnected planet.

Types of Affiliate Programs Used

I use two main types of affiliate programs:

  1. Amazon affiliate links. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to, Amazon offers a small commission on products sold through their affiliate links.

If a blogger links to an Amazon product (with a special code for affiliates embedded in the link), and a reader places an item in their “shopping cart” through that link within 24 hours of clicking the link, the blogger gets a small percentage of the sale.

Amazon links are not “pay per click.” If you click on the product link and stay around Amazon and purchase something else, however, I will get a commission on that sale.

Affiliate Disclosure at HapnGo
“Affiliate marketing is an Win-Win-Win journey. Where the product maker, the affiliate and the interest one, are all benefiting.”

Anytime you see a link that looks like… or… it can be assumed that it is an Amazon affiliate link.

  1. Product affiliate links.
    These affiliate links work the same way: if you click the link and buy the product, then the blogger gets a percentage of the sale or some other type of compensation. Things like e-book bundles, e-courses, and online packages are usually affiliate links, as well. Again, prices are not different if you use these affiliate links. You will not pay more by clicking through the link. These links are not “pay per click” unless otherwise denoted.


Q. What about sponsored content?

A. We do not write sponsored posts. I want to bring you real, unbiased information. However, if a post is sponsored by a company and it is a paid sponsorship, I will disclose this clearly in the beginning of the post.

Keeping Up with Changes

Regular Updates

This page is regularly updated to accurately represent our current affiliate relationships. If I start promoting new products or stop promoting others, you will find that information reflected here.

I encourage you to review this page periodically for any updates. We reserve the right to make changes to this Affiliate Disclosure at any time.

Addressing Your Questions

Affiliate Disclosure at HapnGo

If you have any questions about our affiliate links or affiliate disclosure policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We strive to be as transparent and honest as possible with our readers, and we’re always here to answer any questions you might have.

Thank you for choosing HapnGo as your go-to place for “what happens” and “what goes.”

We look forward to embarking on this journey of discovery with you!

Let’s create an better world together!

HapnGo Logo

With love,

Leonard, Founder of HapnGo

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