
Website Creation

Website Creation Subcategory

Discover the best tools and strategies to create a professional website. Go from beginner-friendly platforms to advanced customization with a step-by-step guide

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1st Step: Domain Name

Choose a domain name and register with a domain registrar.

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2nd Step: Web Hosting Domain

Find a home for your domain name by choosing a host type provider if you don’t..

Monitor Displaying Pexels Website

3rd Step: Website Platforms

Choose a main website builder type: Website builders, CMS, or Custom Development..

Person Sitting Facing Laptop Computer With Sketch Pad

4th Step: Design & Content

Select a theme or a template, customize colors, fonts, etc., and start planning your content..

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Two Blue Pencil on Top of White Notebook

5th Step: Essential Pages (About Us, etc.)

Tell your story or what the website is about; provide ways for visitors to get in touch..

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Macbook Pro Beside White Ipad

6th Step: Launch & Ongoing

Test it before launching, and make your website live; Optimize SEO (search engine op..

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Business Plan Schedule Written on the Notebook

7th Step: Digital Marketing

Improve website performance, share on socials, attract visitors, create ads, email ..

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